Nominated for the Liebster Award. ♡♡

Hi lovely readers :) I've been nominated to he Liebster Award and to be honest with you guys I didn't have an idea of what the Liebster Award is, but the lovely girl who nominated me explained to me. 
and go check out her blog she's beautiful and she just started filming beauty videos.

The Liebster Award is an award given from blogger to blogger to help get recognition for blogs with less than 200 followers, and it is the perfect way to get more involved in the blogging community by passing the award on.

Basic Rules
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you asked
4. Nominate 11 other blogs that you love.
5. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.

11 Facts About me♥
1.- I'm studying mechatronics engineer (6th semester) 
2.- I'm 20 years old 
3.- All that I know about beauty I have learned from Youtube.
4.- My first video that I watch about beauty was from Michelle Phan.
5.-I have a boyfriend and we've been together for 2 years and 4  months. 
6.- I decided to star blogging because all of my friends always ask me beauty things related and I always knew the answer.
7.- I'm an only child.
8.-  I live in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico. 
9.- My ultimate dream is going to the Eiffel Tower ♥  since I was like 7 years old.
10.- My favorite flower is Sunflower. 
11.- I don't Blog as much as I would like to. (Blame College)

Miriam's Questions ♥
1. What was your favorite vacation?
I will have to say Mazatlan when I was in senior year and I was on the dance team and was the captain of the team ♥ won 1st. place. 

2. What is your favorite season?
Winter ♥ I love comfy sweaters and dresses with leggings ♥ and boots ♥ and hot coffee ♥ 

3. How would you describe your style? 
comfy, the majority of the time I'm running late for school so I don't spend a lot of time getting ready.  and when I do have time I'm still comfy but with more make up o heels. 

4. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Sponge bob and still its's ♥ 

5. What do/did you study? 
 I'm studying mechatronics engineer (6th semester) 
6. Which blogs inspire you?
most recently her blog is so beautiful. 

7. Where do you love to shop? 
Forever21 because its cheap  but I would love to have more money so I can buy in other stores. 

8. Gold or silver?

9.  What is your best childhood memory?
10. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Paris ♥

11. What is your favorite beauty product?
Cream Eyeliner and Lipstick ♥ 

My questions to my nominees:
1. Why do you star blogging?
2. Favorite nail polish? 
3. what do you want to accomplish with your blog? what age did you star to use make up?
5. Dress, Skirt or Jeans?
6.Where are you from?
7.What do you like the most about yourself?
8.and If you can change anything about you, What would it be?
9.How would you describe your hair today?
10.Favorite color? 
11. Holy grail makeup products

and my nominees are (remember to check out their blogs) ♥ :


This is so much fun and an easy way to promote small blog's :) thank you so much Miriam ♥ 

                                                                                                - MCGM 

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2 Responses to “Nominated for the Liebster Award. ♡♡ ”

  1. Ahh that was so much fun! I loved reading your answers :) I love Michelle Phan too! She's definitely one of my favorite YouTubers :)

    1. and such an inspiration to all the make up lovers ♥
